
Sunday, 29 June 2008

Is that wedding bells I hear?

It was turning out to be just another weekend in Edinburgh...the usual dreary rain that made me glad that I was ensconced in my sister's cosy sister feeding me with all sorts of leftovers from the week ( I have to say I would rather she feed me than not, though:)) and the usual phonecalls that I never had time to make during the week.

I was feeling slightly isolated because my phone, being a Samsung, was dying on me and because I had neglected to bring my charger from Falkirk, I had been sensible and switched it off, only turning it on once in a while to check or send messages.

Today, I turned on my phone and found a text from a close friend who had been on holiday with her boyfriend and just returned.. She had news for me, she said. Immediately (it's a woman's sixth sense) I thought - He's proposed! and texted her back asking if it was true.
An hour later I turned up on her doorstep..and had to hear all about it of course..Now that I think about it, I didn't actually get into the details of what time of the day it was, or if it was rain or shine, etc.. tsk tsk. Don't roll your eyes, this is important stuff!!

In any case, she is now an engaged woman, promised to grown up! I am feeling positively adolescent in comparison.

If you are reading this, I am supremely happy for you, my dear.

And please wear the proof of your engagement lah, woman, unless you don't want anyone to know about this!!



  • At 29 June 2008 at 15:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hey my dearest girlfriend,

    Thanks for your wishes....and will definitely fill you up with all the details. =)Promise I will wear the ring...once I get pass the habit of breaking it first!

  • At 29 June 2008 at 18:03 , Blogger meifong said...

    Haha..can't get over what you tried to do to the ring! Were you trying to catch a giant fish with it as in Big Fish?

  • At 30 June 2008 at 11:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

    To be honest I'm kinda sad I broke the ring (in less than half an hour of it being in my posession!). Apparently it's all in the design. Well at least it can be fixed. And no, i don't fancy fishing with it. =)

  • At 17 July 2008 at 13:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

    congrats congrats to u-noe-who,...
    btw, it was MY who wanted to make all the stuff, she said so u will b fed n wont bising bising wor haha...
    i think it worked!


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